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Omerica Organic Review

[Take 20% off of your first Omerica Organic order with the rep code JMFROMAS]

Have you ever had someone custom tailor your jewelery just right for your needs?  I didn’t think so.  But that’s exactly what Omerica Organic does with each and every order they get.  They specialize in custom made wooden plugs but they also craft all kinds of products like belt buckles and dog tags, all made of wood, of course.  Omerica strives to stay as earth friendly as possible, they plant over 700 trees a year to help replace the ones they use to make their products, they also power their entire workshop and office with WIND power.  How awesome is that?

Omerica only uses the finest of high quality woods, my personal favorite is Zebra Wood.  It’s light in color and has black stripes all through it.  I ordered a pair of zebra wood plugs from them and today I’m writing a review on them.

The amount of care and time that goes into each order amazes me, and they keep you updated 24/7 about the status of your order.  Then when I got the package I was even more happy with my experience.  Inside this(recycled paper!) mailer with their logo stamped onto it was my plugs nice and neatly closed up in a sealed plastic baggy, and also a care card telling me exactly how to care for my new organic wood plugs.  Very helpful.

The plugs themselves look even better than I thought they would, the wood grain is perfect and exactly what I wanted.  This is only my second pair of wood plugs so I was still a little bit leery of them, but they are silky smooth and they fit great, very true to size.  These are a 0g and they fit better than some of my other plugs! I’m extremely happy with what I got and will definitely be ordering from them again.

If you ears are stretched and you’re looking for something new, I suggest you give them a chance.  Plus if you use the rep code JMFROMAS you can get a whole 20% off of your first order!  Have you ever heard of Omerica, if so, what are your thoughts?  If you haven’t, then I hope you go and check them out right now at!

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Neat-o Clothing Co. – Wolves vs. Lions

(Read to the end, there is a surprise!)

Lions and tigers and bears oh my! Actually, just lions and wolves. This clothing line called Wolves vs. Lions is roaring with pure awesomeness. Based out of North New Jersey, this brand is trying to be something that anyone could like, but also staying away from sell out trends. That seems like a pretty good plan to me. From what I understand, they also offer their design services to bands who need artwork for just about anything.

Right now they have three designs that come in both mens and womens sizes, I like this. A lot of brands just say “women should order one size down” and that doesn’t always cut it. So offering womens sizes is a major plus. Props to them for that!

Now, out of their three designs, this one is my favorite. It’s called “Weaponized” and comes in both army or black(I like it on army better). It looks like it has a gold-ish glittery ink, but I may be wrong I’m only going by the picture(Talked to the owner, no glitter, it’s just a distressed graphic, sorry for the mixup). The design is a Lion and is made out of various weapons, the designs main focus is war, so this is appropriate.  Wolves vs. Lions prints on Tultex shirts, which are similar to American Apparel in feel and fit.  Take a look:


The prices are pretty good, they vary from $15-18.  I would say its worth the cash for one of these sick tees.  But, Wolves vs. Lions has something special for all of you readers, take 15% off of your order using the discount code spotter15 at checkout.  How awesome of them!